How to create msg.var, msg.var2 etc in template node?

I do use function and template nodes.
I do have a function node creating different msg vars:

How can I do that with a template node?
Because that is asking a property?
This is not working:

I want to get msg.chatId, msg.type, etc. Without payload?
filling in property with only msg will not be accepted
any advice?

You can change payload to what you want.
Not really sure I understand the problem…

But there seems to be a " missing after chatId

Thanks for your answer.

It is not possible to template different vars in one template.
for example if I chose as property msg.payload
it is creating:
msg.payload.msg.chatid etc.
I want only msg.chatid. msg.title etc. without “payload” in it

I can not make property with only “msg.” and not filled in something after msg.

Yor right about the missing "

like this:

not like this: