How to create Open/Closed automation with an AEON Labs / Door/Window sensor Gen2 (DSB29)

I’m trying to set up a simple automation to turn on a light when a door is open and turn off the same light when the door gets closed. I have not been able to figure out what to use for the trigger part of the automation. This is what I see in the logs.

2022-04-17T14:14:19.409Z CNTRLR   [Node 034] treating BasicCC::Set as a report
2022-04-17T14:14:19.418Z DRIVER « [Node 034] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                      target value: 0
2022-04-17T14:14:19.421Z CNTRLR   [Node 034] treating BasicCC::Set as a report
2022-04-17T14:14:21.386Z DRIVER « [Node 034] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                  │ type: multicast
                                      target value: 255

I get 0 for the target value when the door is closed and 255 when the door is open.

If anybody has successfully set one of these up can you please enlighten me? Thanks.


I should mention that I tried using the trigger “Node status changed” from both asleep to awake and from dead to alive. I also tried “Any turned on” and “Any turned off”. There was another trigger called “Value change on a Z-Wave JS Value” but I could not figure out what I should use for the various parameters like, command_class, property, property_key. All of them were trigger type: device.

This is the entry in the ZWave database in case it is helpful.

Good Morning
I just bought a few of these off someone on FB, seeing this, I know why :slight_smile: I’ve decided to group mine.
As I added them, rename all devices with my own ## digit, sample below shows 01, 02, and 04.

Within my if block, 1=2 is a cheap comparison so that I can just copy/paste the lines after and swap in the sensors.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: kitchen_windows_open
        state: >
          {{ 1=2
             or states('number.door_window_sensor_gen2_01_basic')|int > 0
             or states('number.door_window_sensor_gen2_02_basic')|int > 0
             or states('number.door_window_sensor_gen2_04_basic')|int > 0 }}

A bit of a pain to setup, but once its done, pretty solid.

Another option, if you want to dig deeper into configuring the device…

You can configure option 121 to issue a BINARY report, which moves the state to the “any” sensor that is created.

I found with HA 2022.6, I had to add the device, push the config, remove the device then re-add it for HA/Zwave to properly react. I also disabled the basic control entity because its not needed.

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Thank @tsimons78 this (configure option 121) fixed the issue in a simple way