How to create pre-switch automation

I have two heaters connected to a single 20A breaker in the breaker box. Each heater is around 1600W, i.e., ~14A current. (The voltage is 110V~120V in US). They are both controlled by Tuya smart plug.

The diagram can be simplified as below. If they are turned on at the same time, the 20A circuit breaker will trigger. I can add simple automation in HA to turn the other one off when one heater is turned on, but that still leaves me a gap of 2 or 3 seconds where both heaters are on.

Though it’s not a big deal, but I’d rather be on the safe side. So is there a way to turn off one heater, before the other one is on? Thanks!

What I can think of is to create script and add delay in between, but just want to know if there’s better idea