How to create template sensor that has its own attributes

I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. I would like to get some help.

Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have no values at Home Assistant reboot / restart.

I have a templates.yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors.

So far I have come up with this code in my templates.yaml:

- sensor:
    name: Laatste Deconz Tijden
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
    state: none
        nadir: none
        night_end: none
        nautical_dawn: none
        dawn: none
        sunrise_start: none
        sunrise_end: none
        golden_hour_1: none
        solar_noon: none
        golden_hour_2: none
        sunset_start: none
        sunset_end: none
        dusk: none
        nautical_dusk: none
        night_start: none

I get a config error message:

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/config/template_sensors.yaml", line 1115, column 26

Line 1115 is the line starting with: attribute_templates:
column 26 is the ":ā€™

So I guess this is not the way to create attributes,

Background info:
My goal is to store the times when my ā€˜deconz time of day sensorā€™ changes to a different ā€˜deconz time of dayā€™ This will be done with an automation that is already running for other purposes also. As state it will have the time of the last change.

Have you checked the template documentation? attribute_templates is not a valid key. You define attributes under the attributes variable which should be on the same level as state (not indented beneath it).

The linked documentation includes examples of template attributes at the bottom of the page.

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I checked the docs, but overlooked it. My bad. Thank you. Now this code works.

- sensor:
    name: Laatste Deconz Tijden
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
    state: none
      nadir: none
      night_end: none
      nautical_dawn: none
      dawn: none
      sunrise_start: none
      sunrise_end: none
      golden_hour_1: none
      solar_noon: none
      golden_hour_2: none
      sunset_start: none
      sunset_end: none
      dusk: none
      nautical_dusk: none
      night_start: none

Good job, Iā€™ll be honest I actually didnā€™t know this was possible until I looked more in-depth at the template docs to answer this post. I think Iā€™ll start implementing this myself now!

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Since updating the attribute with an automation does not work, I changed the template sensor into a State Triggered Template Sensor with attributes.

For this I have read the following documentation and help posts:

The following code now works fine for me:

- trigger:
    # WHEN EVENT 'sensor.deconz_daylight' changes state THEN update the attributes of 'sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times' CONDITIONALLY:
    # - IF sensor.laatste_deconz_tijden.state == sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times.[attribute_name] THEN :
    #     >>  Store the current time to the [attribute_name] that matches the changed new state of 'sensor.deconz_daylight'
    # - IF sensor.laatste_deconz_tijden.state != sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times.[attribute_name] THEN:
    #     >>  Re-store the old value of the attribute from the stored value in its respective m_* attribute variable
    - platform: state
        - sensor.deconz_daylight
  action: []
    name: Deconz Daylight Latest Times
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
    state: >-
      {{ now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y om %H:%M:%S') }}
      datum: >-
        {{ now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y') }}
      nadir: >-
        {% set m_nadir=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','nadir') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='nadir' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }} {% else %} {{ m_nadir }} {% endif %}
      night_end: >-
        {% set m_night_end=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','night_end') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='night_end' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_night_end }} {% endif %}
      nautical_dawn: >-
        {% set m_nautical_dawn=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','nautical_dawn') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='nautical_dawn' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_nautical_dawn }} {% endif %}
      dawn: >-
        {% set m_dawn=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','dawn') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='dawn' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_dawn }} {% endif %}
      sunrise_start: >-
        {% set m_sunrise_start=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','sunrise_start') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='sunrise_start' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_sunrise_start }} {% endif %}
      sunrise_end: >-
        {% set m_sunrise_end=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','sunrise_end') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='sunrise_end' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_sunrise_end }} {% endif %}
      golden_hour_1: >-
        {% set m_golden_hour_1=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','golden_hour_1') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='golden_hour_1' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_golden_hour_1 }} {% endif %}
      solar_noon: >-
        {% set m_solar_noon=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','solar_noon') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='solar_noon' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_solar_noon }} {% endif %}
      golden_hour_2: >-
        {% set m_golden_hour_2=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','golden_hour_2') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='golden_hour_2' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_golden_hour_2 }} {% endif %}
      sunset_start: >-
        {% set m_sunset_start=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','sunset_start') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='sunset_start' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_sunset_start }} {% endif %}
      sunset_end: >-
        {% set m_sunset_end=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','sunset_end') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='sunset_end' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_sunset_end }} {% endif %}
      dusk: >-
        {% set m_dusk=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','dusk') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='dusk' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_dusk }} {% endif %}
      nautical_dusk: >-
        {% set m_nautical_dusk=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','nautical_dusk') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='nautical_dusk' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_nautical_dusk }} {% endif %}
      night_start: >-
        {% set m_night_start=state_attr('sensor.deconz_daylight_latest_times','night_start') %}
        {% if states('sensor.deconz_daylight')=='night_start' %} {{ as_timestamp(now()) }}  {% else %} {{ m_night_start }} {% endif %}


How can this be achieved using the system UI to create a template sensor? Since templates are about to/ have been removed from config files.

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It doesnā€™t appear to be possible through the UI at this time. What is your source for YAML templates being unsupported? Iā€™ve not been very active in the community and may well have missed it but the HA Devs donā€™t tend to fully remove YAML functionality unless you can achieve the same result with what is already available in the UI. My YAML template sensors are still working perfectly.

The old format template sensors are deprecated and ought to be removed, and not the templates altogether. New format template sensors remain valid (under template section rather than the sensor section).

Hi everyone Iā€™m new to home-assistent and was looking for a way to add these sun times to my config.

I guess I should add both items from @loovanloon to my templates.yaml?

In configuration.yaml I added template: !include templates.yaml

Now I am trying to figure out how to turn on a switch at the start of the golden hour.

Is any of the code out of date? Iā€™m having a bit of trouble following that part of the discussion, so please enlighten me, thank you.

Hi all,
i have a quiet similar problem.
I want to create a template sensor like the existing ā€˜sensor.solcast_pv_forecast_prognose_heuteā€™ (via the Integration ā€œSolcast PV Forecastā€):

My need ist to calculate the values of the Attributes in Order to get a sensor, which Shows my ā€œestimated battery Socā€. I want to display it with Apex Chart Card.
So i could see, wether and when battery SOC is going low ā†’ charging from grid at the time of lowest prices.

Would be nice, if anyone can help me ā€¦