Then I will assume :
alias: Wake 1
platform: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == states('sensor.wake_time_1') }}"
condition: template
value_template: >
{% set today = 'input_boolean.wakeweekday_' ~ now().strftime("%a") | lower ~ '_1' %}
{{ is_state('input_boolean.wakestatus_1', 'on') and is_state(today, 'on') }}
- data:
gw_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
ringtone_id: 10
ringtone_vol: 100
service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
- delay: 5 #????
- data:
gw_mac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
ringtone_id: 10
ringtone_vol: 100
service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
Should do what you did and add a five second delay and do it again.
Keep in mind that HA will not wait for one action to finish before it does the next so add a delay between the sounds.
(At least that is how it works in Node RED, not sure about HA automation)