How To Customize Entities visible in Android Auto

Hi, i Realy like the HA Android Auto integration.
I have a lot of enteties (about 600) and the idea to have them oganized in categories is ok to me but as i have so much it would be nice to have some kind of mechanisem to favorite the most usesd ones ore to beeing able to filter them.
Please let me know the poibilities.


not possible yet, existing feature request


A year later and this is still not possible?

click on the link above your post and youll learn its been a feature for almost a year :wink:

if you have android automotive with google play store then unfortunately the feature will not work for you as Google is not allowing access to the apps setting page where the feature needs to be configured.

What setting is that? I have the Google Play version and still have access to the full app settings, unless it’s some secret setting somewhere I don’t know about.

Remember Android Auto and Android Automotive are not the same thing. One is an OS in your car (the latter) the other is emulation from your phone that runs apps from your phone.

If on Android Auto open the phone app, if Android Automotive (without Google Play Store) stop driving to see the Settings button

Settings > Companion app > Android Auto favorites (Driving favorites if on Android Automotive)

Got it working but I’m still confused about one thing. You keep mentioning the Play Store, are you saying Android Automotive now comes with the Play Store in the OS?

Android Automotive is a bit different. There are manufacturers that come with Google Play Store and there are others who don’t have the play store and have their own app store that the HA app will be found in. The correct term is GAS. Google Automotive Services. Some cars have it and others do not.

I see indeed an favorite option in the HA app, but is it also manageble from HA itself? So I can define entities for each mobile phone? That way I dont need to open my wife her phone and configure it from there…
