How to debug automation condition using UI?

I would like to be able to trigger an automation with or without the condition test. In the Automation UI it appears to only run the actions, ignoring conditions.
I don’t see automation.trigger in the Developer Tools anymore. HA2021.3.2

from the “services” tab use the automation.trigger service and then set “skip_condition: false”.

I submitted a FR for this to be added to the automation pop-up window a while back but was summarily ignored.

Yah, that is what I used to do before all my automations were pulled into the UI. (This was triggered by adding an automation in the UI.)
Now (2021.3.2) there is no automation.trigger available in the Developer tools under the Service tab.

I have an “Automation: Trigger” in mine.

And it has a check box for “Skip Conditions”.

Thanks. I restarted my Chrome Browser and automation.trigger appeared again. I have been doing several HA server restarts so that must have messed with the browser cache.

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