I wanted to use the latest version of the MQTT Mosquitto. So after first having the build in hbmqtt running, I installed Mosquitto.
I removed the separate “mqtt:” from the configuration.yaml. I only have a mqtt sensor mentioned that listens to a topic on the broker. Now it keeps telling that the mqtt configuration is not correct, both mqtt: and sensor.mqtt. It looks like it still tries to run his own hbmqtt broker.
Home Assistant contains an embedded MQTT broker. If no broker configuration is given, the HBMQTT broker is started and Home Assistant connects to it.
You need to restore the separate mqtt: entry in your configuration and give the configuration of your Mosquitto broker in that entry.
Like described here: MQTT - Home Assistant
Thanks. Indeed, with setting the IP of your own broker, the install will not install the HBMQTT anymore.
I installed HASSBIAN 1.1 image and then mosquitto script as per instructions.
when I use
broker: myinternal IP
I am using mosquitto or the embedded mqtt?
Your mosquitto
instance as HBMQTT is only started without configuration.
You can check it by subscribing to ‘#’ or the topic you use.
how to do this? I subscribed to # (using eclipse paho client) and I receive all my topics
My goal is to be able to access mqtt from outside my network (I have letsencrypt installed)
this brings nothing (stuck)
mosquitto_sub -h -v -t “home-assistant-2/#” -u user -P pass
while this brings back results
mosquitto_sub -v -V mqttv311 -t “#” -u user -P pass