How to define sensors properly?

I am aware I risk everyone’s wrath by asking question I can very likely find somewhere in documentation but I am happy to admit I am way out of my league here and just barely manage to keep my HASS alive by copypaste. Simply don’t understand most of the stuff around :roll_eyes:
Anyway, really simple question: I defined two sensors in sensors.yaml reading data from my weather station. WS gives me temperature in C but because I want to calculate heat index later, I want to get those two sensors, one with the result in C, other in F.

However, both give me the same result, temperature in C. How so?
Now I know there are many other ways how to achieve this. I am just curious why this particular one does not work. It looks simple enough…

Home assistant converts temperatures to units based on your location and there is nothing you can do about it.

This has made a lot of people very unhappy.

You will have to do the conversion in your heat index calculation template.

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Just like I said, very simple indeed. Thank you for your answer and your time!
(I was quite confused why in Developer Tools the F sensor doesn’t only show temperature in C but also displays C as units despite F being clearly defined in the sensors. Now I understand).