How to delete states from db?

I would like to clean up my db as some entities have logged invalid values as true values (specific value should be taken as invalid value and not as a reading).

I found no way to do it via the GUI, so I am looking the database itself:

select *
from states
where metadata_id = 206 and state = '281474976710.655'

(206 is the entity as found in states_meta)

This gives me the bad readings that I would like to delete. But attempting to do so gives a foreign key violation (doesn’t state which). There are 3 foreign keys and 1 of them is self-referencing(!).

How can I delete these measurements (and only those)?

And afterwards, I would need to fix the statistics as well I guess. Can I do that using the GUI or what?

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Late to the game, but since this is showing up as one of the first results in search engines, here’s an example of how can this be done:

  1. In a transaction, set the old_state_id on all rows that you want to remove to be null.
  2. Identify the record that is immediately before the rows that you are deleting. In my case, this was 85180622.
  3. Identify the record that is immediately after the rows that are being deleted. In my case this was 85180622. Update that record’s old_state_id column to the value identified in a previous step.
  4. Delete the rows.
hassdb=# begin;
hassdb=*# select state,last_updated_ts,old_state_id from  states where metadata_id=1478 and last_updated_ts > 1734638096.7943115 and last_updated_ts<1734640057.1463976;
 state |  last_updated_ts   | old_state_id 
 7     | 1734638334.6322927 |     85180622
 8     | 1734638334.9476323 |     85180720
 9     |  1734638352.613414 |     85180724
 10    |  1734638353.630708 |     85180732
 11    |  1734638355.938325 |     85180738
 12    | 1734638356.6594486 |     85180743
 13    | 1734638364.9985752 |     85180750
 14    | 1734638365.4671695 |     85180761
 15    | 1734638366.0161312 |     85180766
 16    | 1734638368.9796796 |     85180774
 17    | 1734638369.4127283 |     85180780
 18    |  1734638370.820492 |     85180783
 19    |  1734638373.022636 |     85180786
 20    | 1734638373.4731393 |     85180789
 21    |  1734638376.398571 |     85180792
 22    |  1734638376.883189 |     85180800
 23    | 1734638387.3796175 |     85180803
 24    |  1734638387.832865 |     85180811
 25    | 1734638394.1126964 |     85180817
 26    |  1734638394.502871 |     85180824
 27    | 1734638395.9446988 |     85180827
 28    | 1734638396.4090393 |     85180834
 29    | 1734638398.4352806 |     85180837
 30    | 1734638399.1677434 |     85180840
(24 rows)

hassdb=*# select state_id,state,last_updated_ts,old_state_id from  states where metadata_id=1478 and last_updated_ts > 1734638096.7943115 and last_updated_ts<1734640057.1463976;
 state_id | state |  last_updated_ts   | old_state_id 
 85180720 | 7     | 1734638334.6322927 |     85180622
 85180724 | 8     | 1734638334.9476323 |     85180720
 85180732 | 9     |  1734638352.613414 |     85180724
 85180738 | 10    |  1734638353.630708 |     85180732
 85180743 | 11    |  1734638355.938325 |     85180738
 85180750 | 12    | 1734638356.6594486 |     85180743
 85180761 | 13    | 1734638364.9985752 |     85180750
 85180766 | 14    | 1734638365.4671695 |     85180761
 85180774 | 15    | 1734638366.0161312 |     85180766
 85180780 | 16    | 1734638368.9796796 |     85180774
 85180783 | 17    | 1734638369.4127283 |     85180780
 85180786 | 18    |  1734638370.820492 |     85180783
 85180789 | 19    |  1734638373.022636 |     85180786
 85180792 | 20    | 1734638373.4731393 |     85180789
 85180800 | 21    |  1734638376.398571 |     85180792
 85180803 | 22    |  1734638376.883189 |     85180800
 85180811 | 23    | 1734638387.3796175 |     85180803
 85180817 | 24    |  1734638387.832865 |     85180811
 85180824 | 25    | 1734638394.1126964 |     85180817
 85180827 | 26    |  1734638394.502871 |     85180824
 85180834 | 27    | 1734638395.9446988 |     85180827
 85180837 | 28    | 1734638396.4090393 |     85180834
 85180840 | 29    | 1734638398.4352806 |     85180837
 85180848 | 30    | 1734638399.1677434 |     85180840
(24 rows)

hassdb=*# select state_id,state,last_updated_ts,old_state_id from  states where metadata_id=1478;
 state_id | state |  last_updated_ts   | old_state_id 
 85166637 | 0     | 1734606678.6816583 |             
 85167914 | 1     |  1734609561.915644 |     85166637
 85169555 | 2     |   1734613147.60249 |     85167914
 85172805 | 2     |  1734621586.919581 |             
 85173841 | 2     | 1734621756.5170276 |             
 85177667 | 3     | 1734629819.3852065 |     85173841
 85180506 | 4     | 1734637723.1795979 |     85177667
 85180515 | 5     | 1734637723.5025015 |     85180506
 85180622 | 6     | 1734638096.7943115 |     85180515
 85180732 | 9     |  1734638352.613414 |     85180724
 85180720 | 7     | 1734638334.6322927 |     85180622
 85180724 | 8     | 1734638334.9476323 |     85180720
 85180743 | 11    |  1734638355.938325 |     85180738
 85180750 | 12    | 1734638356.6594486 |     85180743
 85180761 | 13    | 1734638364.9985752 |     85180750
 85180766 | 14    | 1734638365.4671695 |     85180761
 85180774 | 15    | 1734638366.0161312 |     85180766
 85180800 | 21    |  1734638376.398571 |     85180792
 85180803 | 22    |  1734638376.883189 |     85180800
 85180848 | 30    | 1734638399.1677434 |     85180840
 85180738 | 10    |  1734638353.630708 |     85180732
 85180780 | 16    | 1734638368.9796796 |     85180774
 85180783 | 17    | 1734638369.4127283 |     85180780
 85180786 | 18    |  1734638370.820492 |     85180783
 85180789 | 19    |  1734638373.022636 |     85180786
 85180792 | 20    | 1734638373.4731393 |     85180789
 85180811 | 23    | 1734638387.3796175 |     85180803
 85180817 | 24    |  1734638387.832865 |     85180811
 85180824 | 25    | 1734638394.1126964 |     85180817
 85180827 | 26    |  1734638394.502871 |     85180824
 85180834 | 27    | 1734638395.9446988 |     85180827
 85180837 | 28    | 1734638396.4090393 |     85180834
 85180840 | 29    | 1734638398.4352806 |     85180837
 85181587 | 0     | 1734640057.1463976 |     85180848
 85181764 | 1     | 1734640590.0282643 |     85181587
 85182203 | 3     | 1734641709.9987211 |     85182200
 85182210 | 4     | 1734641713.6410496 |     85182203
 85182200 | 2     |  1734641708.300092 |     85181764
 85182396 | 5     |  1734642109.063395 |     85182210
 85196127 | 6     |  1734685559.066882 |     85182396
 85197598 | 7     |  1734689026.030945 |     85196127
(41 rows)

hassdb=*# update states set old_state_id=null where metadata_id=1478 and last_updated_ts > 1734638096.7943115 and last_updated_ts<1734640057.1463976;
hassdb=*# update states set old_state_id=85180622 where state_id=85181587;
hassdb=*# select state_id,state,last_updated_ts,old_state_id from  states where metadata_id=1478;
 state_id | state |  last_updated_ts   | old_state_id 
 85166637 | 0     | 1734606678.6816583 |             
 85167914 | 1     |  1734609561.915644 |     85166637
 85169555 | 2     |   1734613147.60249 |     85167914
 85172805 | 2     |  1734621586.919581 |             
 85173841 | 2     | 1734621756.5170276 |             
 85177667 | 3     | 1734629819.3852065 |     85173841
 85180506 | 4     | 1734637723.1795979 |     85177667
 85180515 | 5     | 1734637723.5025015 |     85180506
 85180622 | 6     | 1734638096.7943115 |     85180515
 85180732 | 9     |  1734638352.613414 |             
 85180720 | 7     | 1734638334.6322927 |             
 85180724 | 8     | 1734638334.9476323 |             
 85180743 | 11    |  1734638355.938325 |             
 85180750 | 12    | 1734638356.6594486 |             
 85180761 | 13    | 1734638364.9985752 |             
 85180738 | 10    |  1734638353.630708 |             
 85180780 | 16    | 1734638368.9796796 |             
 85180783 | 17    | 1734638369.4127283 |             
 85180837 | 28    | 1734638396.4090393 |             
 85180840 | 29    | 1734638398.4352806 |             
 85181587 | 0     | 1734640057.1463976 |     85180622
 85181764 | 1     | 1734640590.0282643 |     85181587
 85182203 | 3     | 1734641709.9987211 |     85182200
 85182210 | 4     | 1734641713.6410496 |     85182203
 85182200 | 2     |  1734641708.300092 |     85181764
 85182396 | 5     |  1734642109.063395 |     85182210
 85196127 | 6     |  1734685559.066882 |     85182396
 85197598 | 7     |  1734689026.030945 |     85196127
 85180766 | 14    | 1734638365.4671695 |             
 85180774 | 15    | 1734638366.0161312 |             
 85180786 | 18    |  1734638370.820492 |             
 85180789 | 19    |  1734638373.022636 |             
 85180792 | 20    | 1734638373.4731393 |             
 85180800 | 21    |  1734638376.398571 |             
 85180803 | 22    |  1734638376.883189 |             
 85180811 | 23    | 1734638387.3796175 |             
 85180817 | 24    |  1734638387.832865 |             
 85180824 | 25    | 1734638394.1126964 |             
 85180827 | 26    |  1734638394.502871 |             
 85180834 | 27    | 1734638395.9446988 |             
 85180848 | 30    | 1734638399.1677434 |             
(41 rows)

hassdb=*#  delete from states where metadata_id=1478 and last_updated_ts > 1734638096.7943115 and last_updated_ts<1734640057.1463976;
hassdb=*# select state_id,state,last_updated_ts,old_state_id from  states where metadata_id=1478;
 state_id | state |  last_updated_ts   | old_state_id 
 85166637 | 0     | 1734606678.6816583 |             
 85167914 | 1     |  1734609561.915644 |     85166637
 85169555 | 2     |   1734613147.60249 |     85167914
 85172805 | 2     |  1734621586.919581 |             
 85173841 | 2     | 1734621756.5170276 |             
 85177667 | 3     | 1734629819.3852065 |     85173841
 85180506 | 4     | 1734637723.1795979 |     85177667
 85180515 | 5     | 1734637723.5025015 |     85180506
 85180622 | 6     | 1734638096.7943115 |     85180515
 85181587 | 0     | 1734640057.1463976 |     85180622
 85181764 | 1     | 1734640590.0282643 |     85181587
 85182203 | 3     | 1734641709.9987211 |     85182200
 85182210 | 4     | 1734641713.6410496 |     85182203
 85182200 | 2     |  1734641708.300092 |     85181764
 85182396 | 5     |  1734642109.063395 |     85182210
 85196127 | 6     |  1734685559.066882 |     85182396
 85197598 | 7     |  1734689026.030945 |     85196127
(17 rows)

hassdb=*# commit;

As always - BACKUP your database first.

1 Like

This looks good. Thank you.

Do you also have a way to recalculate the statistics?