How to dim a ISY994 scene?

I have just started using Home Assistant last week. It is an amazing platform. I have a question about scenes imported from ISY994. As per documentation:

All Insteon scenes configured in the ISY994 will show up as a switch in Home Assistant, as they do not support dimming or setting specific brightness settings as Home Assisstant’s light component.

My question is: I have a 3-way circuit for a chandelier. I want to turn the chandelier on/off and dim it. In ISY994 I created a scene which can easily do this. But, when the scene is imported into Home Assistant, it shows as a switch. Is there a clever way in Home Assistant to achieve a light like functionality, so the switches turn on/off and dim together?


If you have a 3-way circuit it will do it all at once so I’m guessing you have three switches that you want to control together. Is that right?

So - I had the same question - and the short answer is, as per my understanding, this isnt possible right now. ISY doesnt provide enough information for HASS to know if a scene is dimmable or not, they are created as switches. My workaround is to have an automation set publishes and sets the correct brightness to the switch I want to have the same brightness. Its not ideal, but works well

Yes, that is correct. There are three switches. I want to control all three together.

Can you please share some more details about how automation publishes? I am a newbie, started using HA couple of days ago. Thanks…

My ISY switches show as switches in the card, but if I tap on one, I get the dimmer control.
Oops sorry I just re-read , SCENES… never mind.