How to dim a smart bulb with a smart dimmer?

I bought a Sunricher zigbee (SR-ZG2835RAC-S) knob/wheel dimmer to use together with my bathroom ligthing automation. But i dont know how to configurate it for the funtion that I want.

From before I have a wiz wifi smart bulb in the bathroom triggered to ligth up by a zigbee motion sensor. In addition the brightness is variable depending on the time of day, set up by automation i HA.

But what I want to do is to be able to also manually change the brightness with the dimmer knob, if i feel that the lighting from the automation is not fitting at that moment. And I just want the manually adjusted brightness to stay like that until the next automation adjusts it back. I searched and found this dimmer knob that has no starting and stopping point for the dimmer wheel, hoping that it would make it possible for me to use it together with the different brighness automations through out the day without running out of dimming value on the dimmer.

Would this be posilble using just the HA GUI? or even at all?

After some fiddelig around with the new dimmer and the triggers in the HA app, I cant even find out how to simply dim the lights :sweat_smile:

So far what ive done is:

1.) I have conected the the dimmer to power only by L1 and N to a plugg just to get it powered.

2.) Paired the dimmer together with my home assistant hub.

3.) I got the dimmer to turn on and off the wiz bulb using the button and “device” as trigger type.

And now im trying to figure out how to wirelessly dim the wiz bulb. But I dont understand what trigger type or triggers or even actions I need to select. If I use “device” as triggertype i get the following triggers for the dimmer and actions for the wiz bulb:

Ive tried some of them, but Ive had no results yet.

Can anyone point me in the right direction here :grinning:

Look at Template Light

With this you can take a smart dimmer switch and pair it with smart dimmable light in HA and create a single light entity

See if above works for you. If not i think another option is to set light level based on switch position in automation. Im thinking the template will be cleanest most organized methods so try that first