How to disable discover? I have no discover word on configuration.yaml

I have a problem with my LG tv i never had, it’s just after last hassio updates. A message asking me to accept remote control appears vey often. if I accept, the message goes off but keeps showing some seconds later.

I am sure it’s hassio, because if I turn it off, the message don’t appears anymore. I am not sure why is happening now, so I want to disable new devices discovery, to see what happen, but I can’t comment out “discovery” word on my configuration.yaml, because there air no discovery mention on it… how can I do to disable it, or how can I do to know what is happening?

In your configuration.yaml you have ‘default_config:’? If so you have to remove ‘default_config:’ and add everything else manually!

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Thanks for the answer, I removed “default_config”, but the problem remains