How to discover specific IP 4 adress in network - automation?

I want to find specific ip adress in pool from IP range and when any adress from this scope is discovered send wake on lan packet inside network to another computer ? I would like some suggestion i am a new home assistany user ready to write some automation. Which integration i should use ??

You’re dancing around what the problem actually is.

Yes ha can send a wol packet but the rest of what you want to do (scan a entire subnet - a 10.x no less) and wait for a specific new node to pop it…) is problematic for a number of reasons - least of all it security…

What are you ACTUALLY trying to get done? There may be a better way.

My router assign ip from this range( when i am connetcing to it with VPN (router supports VPN connections). I want to sent a wake on lan packet to static ip adress of computer inside of my network.

I understand you want to send the packet. You’re not giving us enough to go on. Scanning an entire subnet waiting for a node to happen is a non starter. You need to be able to have the device that assigns these tell YOU when something happened. What’s the trigger? We need to figure out more about the gear. What exactly is the router (model number matters)

We need a LOT more to go on.

Tell us a story - I get home and turn on a thing so it gets on the network and gets an address. So I want to…

I have tp-link Archer AX-1500 i used TP-Link Router integration but it doesnt give my any usefull data. Automation should work like this:
1,if someone connets to router with VPN - Router assign ip from range
2.Some kind of integration or script to find this specific adress
3.Wake on lan integration on Home assistant sends packet inside my network to ip adress

So You’re trying to wake a media server or something when you jump in on your VPN. Gotcha. (next time start with that)

Yeah the tplink is where this needs to come from else the incoming node will have to somehow announce itself.

Is the tplink running stock firmware? What’s your vpn type?

Also are you using this custom integration?

I ask because this integration fires an event every time there’s a new client on the network.

Have you looked at the nmap tracker integration?

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Yes i have looked at nmap integration but it doesnt give me a trigger.
Tp link works on stock firmwareit gives back data about how many people are connected to (wifi and cable and total but VPN connection doesnt seem to change anything)