How to display a simple card with Switch, Voltage, Current and Power?


I am very new to HA and play with it and learn hard since a week, but I must say it is not that easy to get started, installation was fine, first usage too, I manage to create some card (most was created automatically by HA)

But now I try to use LocalTuya switch with power measurment and I am only able to display a card with a button, the switch works well but I would like to display Voltage, Current, etc… When I look in the attribute on the entity I can see those values, but I really dont understand where and how I can add/display in card the entity attribut voltage, power and such…

I hate looking so noob but that’s always the case when starting on a new thing and HA is pretty complexe/heavy to learn from scratch, but it looks really powerful when will used.

Any help on this are welcome, and any link that can help getting started are welcome too :slight_smile:

Note that I am also working to integrate Ubibot WS1 too (indeed without cloud) : Trying to Tasmotize Ubibot WS1 · Discussion #17336 · arendst/Tasmota · GitHub

You want a card that will display attributes like the entity card.

Entities card. They want multiple entities and attributes in the card.

That would also work, although attribute isn’t shown on the UI config, which is why I suggested entity to start.

YAML ain’t that hard. It even gives you an example.

Well, thanks all, that’s not YAML the problem tha how HA interpret it…

I manage to make this :


But, it took large space, I was more looking for something that seems to be “secondary_info”, but dont know how to set attributes on it, here is my full YAML :

type: entities
title: Prises Amovibles
  - entity: switch.prisea0
    icon: mdi:power-socket-fr
  - type: attribute
    icon: mdi:non
    name: voltage
    entity: switch.prisea0
    attribute: voltage
    suffix: V
  - type: attribute
    icon: mdi:non
    name: Courant
    entity: switch.prisea0
    attribute: current
    suffix: mA
  - type: attribute
    icon: mdi:non
    name: Current consumption
    entity: switch.prisea0
    attribute: current_consumption
    suffix: W
  - entity: switch.prisea1
    name: PriseA
show_header_toggle: false