I have a simple thermometer using a DS18b20 sensor and an SSD1306 128x64 OLED display, and it works just fine. But I would like to display both Centigrade and Fahrenheit on the display. Is there a way that I can create a new entity with the Fahrenheit value?
It took me a while to realize that the template updated separately from the dallas update interval. I would see the °C updating every 5s, but the °F every minute. That’s when it clicked- “there must be a default of 60s”.
Another topic?
I plan to use °F in my HomeAssistant front-end, but if I wanted to use °C I would have to calculate is again since Home Assistant “automagically” converts °C to °F. Is there a way to turn this automatic conversion off?
Who are you asking what? Speak in complete sentences.
If you are referring to post #3, it is in my ESPHome device yaml file.
In Home Assistant you can make a new entity (template entity, actually) in your configuration file. Here’s one that I did to use the sensor value (it provides windspeed in meters/second) to create a new template entity in knots. You can use this as an example to do the same with temperatures.
Instead of defining a new sensor and its attributes, is it possible only to define a formula of conversion as a function/macro and call that function when displaying properties on the dashboard?