How to display date and time on dashboard using a large font

Is there any way to configure the font size of cards? Really hope the font size can become larger, but I did not find where to set the font size.

It seems large enough here, but when displayed on a large screen and look from a certain distance, it is too small to see.

And, the text ‘Date’, ‘Time’, and corresponding icons are unnecessary, any way to hide them? Really appreciate!

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entity
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.time

I use the digital clock card - now that I’m on Win11 it’s my go-to place to show seconds as well

How did you get this card type? it seems to be a custom defined element.


Digital clock on Home Assistant - The Home Smart Home

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forgot to check HACS for a plugin, thanks!

It’s actually the one that @stevemann was linking to - it allows me to show the date as well as the time :+1:

So does the one I opted…

How? I don’t see the option in the git page.
But, I do like your suggestion better than mine because it shows seconds.

      - type: custom:digital-clock
        dateFormat: dd LLL yyyy
        timeFormat: HH:mm:ss

ROFL… just realized i pasted the wrong link😁

So i sm using the same :joy:

Formatting is based on Luxon (whatever that might be)

Anyway, the request was about font size, which digital-clock doesn’t offer.

The Simple Clock link does though, but it doesn’t have the date…:thinking:

But with CSS apparantly it is possible with the digital clock too :stuck_out_tongue:

Happens to the best of us sometimes :wink: