How to distinguish between multiple identical devices?

I’ve added an Aqara Hub E1 and three Aqara Temp/Humidity Sensor T1. All three sensors where automatically added with the same name. I’m therefore struggling to determine which is which. Can anyone help?
I’ve tried download diagnostics on one of the device info page. Looking at that shows the three sensors and their unique Accessory ID but they all share the same name, so this doesn’t help. I’ve tried changing their names in HA and downloaded diagnostics again but this name isn’t reflected in the download.

That’s weird… are they named the same in the Aqara hub as well?

The Aqara app has them all named as “Temperature and Humidity Sensor T1” (can be distinguished by their room name) not “Aqara Temp/Humidity Sensor T1”, as they were auto added to HA.
I did consider renaming the devices via the Aqara app but assumed it wouldn’t make a difference, as those names are not imported into HA. I will try just to be sure.

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That was going to be my suggestion. Then, once you do that, reload the integration from the 3 dot menu and see what happens.

I deleted the devices from HA. Renamed them in Aqara app and re-added them to HA. Same problem though :frowning:

In the HA diagnostics each has the same name but a different ID (in the 2/57/15 line in the example below)

      "2/57/1": "Aqara",
        "2/57/2": 4447,
        "2/57/3": "Aqara Temp/Humidity Sensor T1",
        "2/57/5": "Aqara Temp/Humidity Sensor T1",
        "2/57/7": 1,
        "2/57/8": "1",
        "2/57/9": 29,
        "2/57/10": "29",
        "2/57/15": "54ef441000a56cc2",
        "2/57/12": "AS013",
        "2/57/13": "",
        "2/57/14": "Aqara Temp/Humidity Sensor T1",
        "2/57/17": true,
        "2/57/18": "lumi.54ef441000a56cc2",
        "2/57/65532": 0,
        "2/57/65533": 1,
        "2/57/65528": [],
        "2/57/65529": [],
        "2/57/65531": [

Ohhhh you’re doing them over Matter! Hmmmm, I wonder if that has something to do with it… :thinking: That might be a bug. I don’t have any matter devices to test with here, so I don’t know.

But, I just thought of an old school way to figure out which is which. Go to each sensor and just blow on it for a minute or two. In HA, go to the property page for each sensor and see if the temp and humidity has risen. Then you can figure out which device is which. Not high tech by any means, but it should work.

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Was about to suggest the same. Just hold them one by one in your hand and check the values in HA. Should be able to identify which is which as the temp should rise…


Went old school and held each for a few mins. Problem sorted. Thanks for the suggestion!

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I have/had the exact same issue. Something else of interesting note, as I currently have all of my duplicates still showing, over HomeKit the devices will show up with their full name (like your Temp above, or Aqara LED Lightbulb T1) but over Matter they just show up as “Lightbulb” and other less descriptive bits.

One tip on the Temp sensors - I take a thin sharpie and manually label each sensor, ie. S1, S2, S3, S4 and so on. I also manually change their name to reflect this, both in the Aqara app and in HA - this way when I get to battery hell later, I should hopefully have a better idea as to which is which (either that or I over thought things and this won’t ever help me in the end anyway).