How to - Divera 24/7 alarms into Home Assistant

Hello all,

a few days ago I noticed, that there isn’t any guide available about how to get your alarms from Divera 24/7 into Home Assistant.

Divera 24/7 is a service, mostly used in Germany, to send alerts to members of a fire department via an mobile app.

Sadly I’m not able to create a new integration, but I wrote down a guide for my workaround. You can find it on my github page:

Any feedback is welcome.


I just found this post and am very excited to test it. Thank you for your effort!

Thank you for your reply. If there is anything unclear to not hesitate to ask.

BTW: Welcome to Home Assistant community

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Hey @N1c093
this is pretty cool. I also just started to look into getting Divera into HA. Unfortunately I don’t know a lot about using the API etc. My main goal was actually to display the current personal status and also set the status with HA automations. It should be pretty easy, as Divera offers a URL to set the status. Unfortunately the URL doesn’t seem to work. Any idea why that is?
I am talking about the URL you can retrieve in the „Statusgeber“ tab when logged into the Divera web interface. Doesn’t work as a rest command on HA and also not via IFTTT or just the browser.
Seems like this would be possible via the API as well, but I don’t know how to get it into HA.

Hello @gohlin

Set current status

As you already wrote, setting the status is pretty easy and it’s working fine for me.

You have to get your own URL to set your status.
You can get the URL via the divera webpage:

After you get these URLs you can create these rest_command in your configuration.yaml


Sadly I don’t know, why your status URL doesn’t work. The URL should work in any webbrowser.
Maybe you can contact divera support.

Reading current status

I looked into the api, but reading out the current status seems to be more difficult, because there isn’t any special API endpoint for it. You can read out your current status with this API: Divera API - Pull

Maybe you can try it yourself. Otherwise I can have a deeper look into it and write down a short guide.


Hi @N1c093

thanks for the quick and helpful response. I tried again today and my URLs are working fine, not sure why that wasn’t the case when I first tried, as I haven’t changed anything.

Regarding reading the status. I’ll have a look into the API. But so far I am already happy about getting the Statusgeber to work. As I will actually mainly use this to set the Status, I can also create a “current status helper”, which will be changed with an HA automation. Not ideal, but for my uses case it should be pretty accurate.


thank you very much :slight_smile:

I am new to HA, so please be patient with me. I would like to show all the informations of an alarm on my Dashboard. I know how to display single sensors, but that only shows the alarm keyword (“Stichwort”). See my screenshot for reference:


how can I display the text and maybe a map with the address of the alarm, when an alarm occurs? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You can create two template sensors for it.
I just updated my Github page, there you will find the information for the required template sensors.

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Hello and Moin together,

how nice that there are a few like-minded people here.
Until a few weeks ago, I still have not found a post on this topic here.
I had already started with the “rest sensors”, but they did not meet my expectations.
Therefore, I am currently trying to develop a Divera integration.
I already know Python, but the actual HA development is still very new to me. That’s why it’s going slowly.

My own goals are actually the following:

  • Representation and setting of the own status (sensor and service)
  • Representation of alarms (probably only the last one)
  • Representation of vehicles + status

For further ideas and an exchange I am always available.

Moin Marcel,

you are absolutely right, the rest-sensors are not an optimal solution and only an workaround. But it’s better than nothing :joy:

I just wanted to share my workaround, because I didn’t found any post for divera and HA before.

It would be great if you can create an Divera integration for HA.

Best regards from Hamburg.

Hello @N1c093
when the integration has reached a stable state, I will share it here.

I would find it great if there are still people who could support me in the development.
In the beginning, there will certainly be plenty of errors to find. Also the documentation will probably still require some effort.
Therefore help in any form is welcome.

Hello Marcel,

I think I can help with the documentation once the integration is finished. Good luck with the development.


hello all,
the really first version of the divera integration is released.
This is a beta release and the development of my first integration.
There are some bugs and inaccuracies that can not be excluded.
Please forgive me for this.

At the beginning there are two sensors included.
The first to the last alarm.
The second to the current status of the user.

The goal is to add more sensors and device trackers for vehicles as well as the alarm-location.
In addition, a service to set the status for the user should come to be able to respond automatically to alarms.
Further ideas are welcome.

have fun with the integration


Hello Marcel,

great work. I just tested the integration a few days ago. I noticed that the alarm sensor isn’t created and there are some errors/warnings inside the ha-log. Are you aware of these problem? Should I create an issue on github or is it to early for it?

Is there anything I can help you with?


Hello Nico,
I am not aware of the bugs. Best to create a github bug for it. Then it is technically separated from this entry.

Could you send me the errors in the log.
And on top of that, is there an (unarchived) alert in your Divera?

Thanks for your report