How to do average


do you know if it’s possible to make an average on energy sensor values with node red ?

Yes. It’s possible.

Do some research and see if you can figure out how. Also, you’re in a home assistant forum. Home Assistant can also do averages and Node Red can read it.

So… There’s lots of options.

If you have trouble, post error logs and specific issues for the best chance of finding help.

There is always the option to write your own function node but maybe you want to try the node-red library … there are lots of statistical options

Node-Red Flow library - with average selection

Node for Average calculation


thank you for your answers

I tried with a sensor and the plateform statistics and I have datas :slight_smile:

I will try now to catch datas in node red to trigger some actions.

Is it possible with node red to load some datas from the db ?

yes, there are several database nodes available … see same Node-Red flow library