how can I edit a Rieman sum integral helper? I added this helper as a energy meter, but I want to check which input sensor is used and what integration time is used, because my dashboard shows wrong values.
I checked the config/configurations.yml, but there is nothing and with the wizard I can only set the round.
Second question: The Integration time should be “hours”, right?
I also have this question. I can’t find any way to modify an entity created with this helper. I suppose I can delete and remake it, but that seems unnecessary.
Thanks for the tip!
This helped me a lot, I can now even change the source of the sensor.
Indeed an oversight, maybe something for the next WTH, but hopefully earlier
To add to that: I would also expect a reset button in the UI, or even better: a way to set it to any value. The workaround I found is to manually edit the value of the integration state in this file: /config/.storage/core.restore_state
This must be done when HA is not running.
You can change all the settings that will not mess up your values in your database. If you change the other input multipliers your history will be odd as the changes are not retroactive.
Thanks for the answer. Good point. But this should only be a “button for confirmation of data being lost” in the configuration dialog.
The point is, if i want to change these settings, i have to delete and re-create the helper. This can be a little annoying, repeating all the same steps again and again.
It could be much easier