How to edit yaml files using the UI -- in HA's existing container?

I can find no way to edit the CONFIGURATION.YAML file in HA’s UI when running in and HA container?

Looks like editing YAML is essential to some things done… install Legacy integrations, etc. Why is there not YAML editor!?

Hello Ltek

With the container version of Home Assistant, the user is responsibility to build containers for their stuff. You can have a container or you can maybe find someone that is sharing one, but HA does not make it for you. If you want the code that HA makes for you you need to load HAOS.

Install vscode in container.

Just do it from the command line perhaps? Or load it remotely from an editor?

You can also use Visual Studio Code on your local PC to edit files on a remote server with the Remote SSH extension

I searched, cant find anything that say how… only finding it as an add-on for HAOS?

maybe you posted in the wrong thread? I didnt ask the question you are answering

Actually, they answered you properly.

was hoping there was a easy way to simply edit text in the UI given most things looks like they can be done in the UI. This is a huge oversight by the devs not porting the add-on to containers

Then prepare a list of addons which should be also added to a small container )))))))

RE the thread title, looking for a way to do it in the Home Assistant UI… not build another container, that is overkill by 1000x

YAML text editor

… YAML is core to doing some stuff, ridiculous its not in the UI for a major automation app that relies on editing YAML!

I’m sorry to be blunt, but…

Then load HAOS, there are easy add-ons and several are editors.
Don’t install an advanced version and complain because it’s harder…

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yaml is considered advanced usage so it’s not going to be available from the UI. HA Container is also considered an advanced installation method and as such HA expects you to be able to do simple things like edit a yaml file yourself.

Just install a text editor yourself somewhere and use it to edit the yaml. I use WinSCP for remote access and Notepad++ for editing.

otherwise as suggested install HAOS so you have easy access to add-ons to do what you want.

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Hey all - I appreciate your help! I installed a Code Server container so now looks like I need to ask how to make the HA Container’s Path viewable/editable from the Code Server container? I need to do this not using command line since I’m on a Synology NAS and only know how to use the UI.


I figured out how to make it viewable from the container but not editable. I’ve given up and moving to a full VM running HAOS. Looks like HA Container has way too many limitations.

I don’t feel limited at all in any way.

But to each their own.