How to embed content from HA into another webpage?

Hi - despite searching, Im unable to answer this question:
How can I embed content from HA in another webpage?
Ideally I want to be able to embed only one card from the lovelace dashboard; I could go with one dashboard and only have the one card in it, but I dont want the sidebar etc showing, or any other access to HA from the embedded item.


Hello Andy,
Did you get any further with that one? I am very much looking for the same function, that is to embed HA content into a (password protected) website. I actucally have little need to interfer in my HA installations when I am gone - but I need to know if persons enter the house, a zillion other info. As I am really reluctant to open my router, or to use DuckDNS or cloudflare, publising content via an own, password protected website could do the trick = basically just streaming the html-code of the HA dashboard.
Did anybody ever do something in this direction - or ist it mostly a paranoid thought?