How to enable ZHA Quirks?

Hey folks, the thread title pretty much says it all. I’m new to ZHA and can’t figure out how to enable quirks. I’ve got it set up via the frontend but it’s not handling my smartthings button well (the state stays on after press). It seems that enabling quirks may help with this, but I can’t figure out how to do that.

Appreciate any tips anyone has!

As far as I can tell, HA does it automatically. Mine reads “Quirk: zhaquirks.samjin.button.SamjinButton” and I didn’t have to do anything to set that.

Are you using a CC2531 by any chance? Mine was a bit rubbish with ZHA and had a similar problem to yours with some Osram bulbs, as have others.

Thoroughly recommend the Sonoff ZBBridge as a replacement, cheap as chips and far superior in every way.

Did you find a solution to this? I’m experiencing the same, just with a Smartthings Motion Sensor