I’m running Hass. io in docker on ubuntu.
The objective is to have a button that will transfer playback to another speaker with spotify connect.
To do that I would like to run a script with sudo on my host (the ubuntu one) so I use sshpass like this :
sshpass -p mypassword ssh -t [email protected] "echo mypassword | sudo -S /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/test.sh"
This command line works well when I run it in ssh from the hass. io docker but impossible to make it works when I run it from automations with shell_command.
Same result without sshpass, after using ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id :
ssh -i /config/scripts/id_rsa -t [email protected] "echo mypassword | sudo -S /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/test.sh"
I’ve made a lot of test and I know that the script “kitchen.sh” is launched by hass. io but it doesn’t seems to launch the ssh command
Even with an easier remote command line it’s not working :
sshpass -p mypassword ssh -t [email protected] "echo mypassword > /tmp/mytmp.txt"
config.yaml :
transfer_kitchen: '/config/scripts/kitchen.sh'
- id: 1000000000000
alias: Spotify Connect in Kitchen
- event_data:
entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_1000000000000
event_type: click
platform: event
- data: {}
service: shell_command.transfer_kitchen
kitchen.sh :
sshpass -p mypassword ssh -t [email protected] "echo mypassword | sudo -S /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/test.sh"
What can I do to know what is the problem ? I tried to redirect output of the script without success.
The script on the host is not executed.