How to expand the initial 32MB of storage?

Hi All,

I am very new here, so please do not burn me alive :slight_smile:

HA installed on Rasberry Pi 4 (8 GB) on my external m.2 drive. It boots well, I can see HA desktop it seems to be working fine.

The drive has 1TB space but after plugging it to Windows, it has a single partition of 32MB and cannot find a way to expand those 32MB to full (remaining space is unallocated).

I have read somewhere on this form, it has to be done during the initial set up, but how? I create my profile, set up location, I see my discovered devices and that is it.

I plan to use Plex Media Server plugin, so I need extra space on that drive for media files (mainly drone and go pro videos). It does not make a difference if I use the drive as one partition or two partitions but I need a way to make that space visible to HA (and Plex Server).

How to make it work? Thank you.