How to expose connected bluetooth speakers as Chromecast entities

I’ve HA running in rbp 3b+ & I’ve connected the pi to a bluetooth speaker that I’ve.
Is there any configurations / integrations / add ons which I could use to expose this bluetooth connection / audio sink as a chrome cast entity (Preferably also as a Airplay entity) ?

What brand is your BT speaker ? There may be other ways but it is doubtful that you could add it as Chromecast if it is not a Chromecast or Google speaker.
I have several Chromecast and Nest speakers that are grouped in the Google Home App. Using HA I can cast music to all of them (with the group name) or individually, using the Google Cast Integration.

This is a regular ble speakers from Ikea and there is no chrome cast on it. That is why I was exploring the HA route to make them cast-able.

If I could expose the speaker as chrome cast entity anyone in the home could cast to it.

As you connected the speaker to your RPi, maybe you can add it as a HA entity and then maybe you could cast music to it with one or more of the music cast options in HA, but I am very doubtful that using it as a Chromecast is possible.
Others in this forum are far more technical than I am and hopefully can chime in.

I just started with ha this week. Any pointers on how to expose connected speaker as an ha entity ?

I am not all that technical and my HA is on a Yellow Box. My best guess is that if there is no Integration that links your BT speaker to HA, then you won’t be able to get the speaker into HA. But again, others may be more knowledgeable.

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