How to extract an attribute of an attribute

Setting a timer on my office speaker gave this result under the Developer tools for the state of the timer.
`next_timer_status: set

  • timer_id: timer/xxx-xxxx-xxxx
    fire_time: 1631106428
    local_time: ‘2021-09-08 09:07:08’
    local_time_iso: ‘2021-09-08T09:07:08-04:00’
    duration: ‘0:05:00’
    status: set
    label: Cheese
    integration: google_home
    friendly_name: Office speaker timers
    icon: mdi:timer-sand
    device_class: timestamp`

I can get all of the information from the attributes and the timers attribute pulls in the following
{‘timer_id’: ‘timer/a9981e8a-5c41-59cb-19b8-24107289ce89’, ‘fire_time’: 1631118737, ‘local_time’: ‘2021-09-08 12:32:17’, ‘local_time_iso’: ‘2021-09-08T12:32:17-04:00’, ‘duration’: ‘3:00:00’, ‘status’: ‘set’, ‘label’: ‘Cheese’}

But what I’d really want to do is to pull in the label and fire_time values. {{state_attr('sensor.office_speaker_timers', 'timers') }} can get me that string but is there some way to easily pull in the other info parsed?

So this is basically going to become a broadcast that says “Your Cheese timer will be going off on the office speaker in less than a minute” so getting that information is key to doing that. Is there something I’m obviously missing?

Try go to Developer Tools —> Template —> Paste this-
{{ state_attr('sensor.office_speaker_timers', 'timers')[0].fire_time }}

{{ state_attr('sensor.office_speaker_timers', 'timers')[0].label }}

That absolutely worked. Thank you very much. I was having difficulty finding an example of that anywhere. Hopefully this will help someone else as well. Thanks again.