How to extract last number?

i have payload as follows and i want extract only last number. how?

string[304] Temperature 34.0 CPU Core #1 38.0 CPU Core #2 42.0 CPU Core #3 36.0 Temperature 30.0 Temperature 36.0 CPU Core #4 37.0 CPU Package 43.0 Temperature 34.0 CPU Core #1 38.0 CPU Core #2 42.0 CPU Core #3 36.0 Temperature 30.0 Temperature 36.0 CPU Core #4 37.0 CPU Package 43.0

Where does this come from? is the original message a json?
Because that would be the better way to get a single data value.

Untested but I think this could work.

In a function node:

var arr = msg.payload.split("\n");

msg.last = arr[arr.length-1];

return msg;

Opera Snapshot_2021-10-10_144800_192.168.1.186

What is sending out that message? What node are u using to get and send the information?

So it seems it’s not spaces as your initial post suggested, it’s new lines.
Split on "\n" instead

exec node
[ { "id": "22034ba2f0fa0df1", "type": "exec", "z": "8868d38e64b14e89", "command": "py C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\ ", "addpay": "", "append": "", "useSpawn": "false", "timer": "", "winHide": false, "oldrc": false, "name": "", "x": 600, "y": 900, "wires": [ [ "729e1e1cf484923a", "869c5b9c0039b1f7", "dadcefc6b05f3337" ], [ "a522002a9baa2d36" ], [ "eba5f2cda47d53eb" ] ] } ]

thank you guys, got it working!