How to find Bluetooth device identifiers

No matter how many scanner apps I tried, the identifier listed on the apps do not match what bermuda finds through bluetooth proxy. How do people find it? I have dozens of devices listed and I can not find what is what.

Same with iphone identifier. None of the tutorials about finding the identifier through mac os x keychain seem to work.

I am so close to make BLE scanners work but I can not distinguish devices

If you’re scanning with an iPhone, it does not give you the actual MAC address.

Even on Mac OS X, I couldn’t find a way to read MAC Ids. All of them provide UUID but not MAC Id. Do you have a suggestion?

Use a BLE app like NRF Connect on Android. That will report the actual public MAC addresses.

I dont have Android :neutral_face:

Anything I tried on the mac didnt show. Such as

Have you tried using the device irk? That worked for me in ble_presence.
Follow this guide.

yeah this one works. I was trying to find an alternative way. oh well