How to fix a malformed database?

I didn’t put much attention to the from-to versions because I supposed this was just a security update, I was not expecting to get also a normal upgrade with it.

I understand that this was probably the easiest way to do it, but IMO a security update should be as isolated as possible.
As you can see on the screenshots, all are built in components

It is, it is a non-breaking patch release on the latest stable. I’m not sure how to help you, if you don’t didn’t bother to look at the action you took.

Best place to look at this point, would be the logs. The Home Assistant log will probably now show a hint what is wrong.


I had a similar error in the past and it was due to a database corruption.

That makes sense because I have an error telling me that the recorder can not start. Since my recorder reports to an external database maybe I just lost connection.

@frenck how can I check if the recorder is running now?

What DB are you using? Your DB is corrupted, usually it happens when you perform a restore.

I am using an external postgre sql database.
It was down, I just started it, restarted hassio and it seems to be working again (I see the history values again).
No more warnings or errors so far.

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Happy to hear it is resolved :+1:

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Hello all
Recently supervisor started to nag me about update.
Is it possible to disable it?
I have read security bulletin and I will update HA but… when I’m ready. Until that I would like to be not bothered by repetitive notifications.
Also, most recent HA iOS app shows big red warning. Is it really needed to show it to all users of the system? I mean wifes, children etc? Users who are not involved and don’t know details? In fact they can interpret this message as HA has been already compromised.

Under condition that one have most recent version of HA. Security patch should be applicable to any version (at least a few most recent ones). I guess this is what was meant by your OP you answered to.

IMO it looks like either something serious happened (but devs are mute about it) or actions taken are way exaggerated.

That assumes a more classic release process. Home Assistant follows a linear release, not all software projects are equal.

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This should be the answer for Danielo then.

I would say it’s more about automated deployment procedure itself rather than release process.
But TBH there should be no problem to release v0.118.6 (.5 was the latest from .118 line) allowing to update to this version manually even if automated procedure is not ready for such.
I admit it requires additional effort, but this is something else than you mentioned

It is a problem actually. Lot of parts of our system does not handle this correctly. Also our build will fail on this, because the build facilities themselves have been subjected to changes as well. I was not making an rouge statement in the above.

Yet, please upgrade to Home Assistant Core 2021.1.3 or newer. It is the best step one can take on the matter presented in this security bulletin. Thanks :+1: