How to flash Eurom Alutherm Baseboard with new firmware


I was wondering if there are people out here who can help me with this. After having successfully flashed two Eurom Alutherm Baseboard heaters a couple of months ago, over the air using TuyaConvert (Eurom E-convect WiFi - #49 by bobkersten) I bought two more hoping that I could do the same with those. However, these came with a newer firmware which closed the ability to flash over the air. Therefore, I’ve opened up the device to see what’s inside and see if there’s a possibility to flash using a hardwired connection.

My question now is, how would I go about in doing that, and what do I need? I guess the first step is to identify what chip it is using? Here are the pictures. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well from what I see on your pictures that device don’t use (anymore) an ESP inside (Tuya devices have to be avoided at maximum since a little while both for boring flash process now and fact that most of them don’t use ESP anymore !).
I would connect the device at your network and check mac address of it but I bet it’s not an Espressif one :frowning:

When I tried to update OTA using tuya-convert, it did recognise the device and told me I was hitting this issue: Collaboration document for PSK Identity 02 · ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert Wiki · GitHub

oh oki so looks to confirm you are concerned by that same issue with new Tuya devices ! Good luck with that although I’m quite surprised as I don’t see any ESP chipset on your pictures of the printed circuit :confused: