How-to flash SonOff mini > 3.3.0 with Tasmota

OK, it took me quite some time to figure this out so I thought I should share my notes here so you don;t have to get trhough that process too.
Since Sonoff mini are now shipped with firmware >3.3.0 the jumper/DIY tool flashing method does not work anymore - believe me, I lost maybe 2 hours trying to get this method to work :smiley:
This is actually way more simple - once you know the process… It requires some few extra software tools (docker and postman) but you don’t need to open the mini to put a jumper, download DIY tool or the ewlink app. I wonder why they still ship the module with the jumper since it’s useless now… All of this can be done with your computer (I use a mac but all this tools are available on Windows too.
My best source was this article that I found after about 1000 google requests. My notes below are very heavily based on that article but cover the whole process from the box opening to a fully running Tasmota device.
Hope this will help you too!

How-to flash SonOff mini > 3.3.0 with Tasmota (to this day):

  • Download latest ‘LITE’ Tasmota Firmware:
  • Calculate SHA: sha256sum Downloads/tasmota-lite.bin (or use a sha256sum website)
  • Plug in the sonoff module
  • 5s long press on module physical button
  • Search and connect to ITEADxxx wifi network, password is 12345678
  • Browse to
  • Set same wifi as computer (not your iot wifi or next steps wont work)
  • Connect your computer to that same wifi
  • Retrieve sonoff IP from your router most recent connections list
  • Download and import Lukas’ postman collection:
  • Set or update baseURL Postman variable with SONOFF_IP:8081 (Eye button in Postman)
  • Call http://{{baseURL}}/zeroconf/ota_unlock
  • Start nginx-file-browser docker container: docker run -p 8000:80 -v ~/Downloads/:/opt/www/files/ mohamnag/nginx-file-browser
  • Call http://{{baseURL}}/zeroconf/ota_flash - you need to set the right downloadUrl (something like http://yourcomputerip:8000/files/tasmota-lite.bin) and sha256sum (step 2 above) values in the body request. Wait ~1 minute for completion (you can check docker logs to see if it’s still downloading the file…).
  • Search and connect to new Tasmota wifi
  • Setup device to your iot wifi
  • Retrieve Tasmota IP from your router (should be the same)
  • Setup Tasmota template: {"NAME":"Sonoff Mini","GPIO":[17,0,0,0,9,0,0,0,21,56,0,0,255],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
  • Setup Tasmota MQTT
  • [Setup Tasmota switch mode]
  • [Add new device to Tasmoadmin interface]

Hi! I just created a tool to flash tasmota on sonoff devices: GitHub - freshworkstudio/node-tasmota-installer

Hope this helps anyone trying to do this from now on.

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