i’m trying to create an automation to change the ACTIVE_PROFILE for a Homematic IP Thermostat, but it doesn’t work, because it seems to use the value parameter as a string and not as an integer which is expected by the CCU XmlRPC.
If I try the Service under Developer Tools with following JSON, it works perfectly:
"address": "INT0000001",
"channel": 1,
"param": "ACTIVE_PROFILE",
"interface": "groups",
"value": 1
This is the automation which i’m trying to execute.
- alias: ChangeGroupProfile
- platform: time
at: '00:05:05'
- service: homematic.set_device_value
address: 'INT0000001'
channel: 1
interface: groups
value: >
{% if ((states('sensor.week_number')|default(0)|int) % 2) == 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
I have tried using as value only 1 or {{ ‘1’|int }}, nothing worked. In the log file, if I execute the Service using Developer Tools or through automation I always see the same, so no difference is recognisable:
DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L] domain=homematic, service=set_device_value, service_data=address=INT0000001, channel=1, param=ACTIVE_PROFILE, interface=groups, value=1>
DEBUG (SyncWorker_10) [pyhomematic.devicetypes.generic] HMGeneric.setValue: address = 'INT0000001:1', key = 'ACTIVE_PROFILE' value = '1'
Is there any way to force that value becomes an integer?