How to get a popup window


i´m super new in Home Assistant.
Can someone give me a hint how i can get these “Popup window” like if i tap on weather or temp sensor?
I try to get this for a Picture Card Configuration is that possible??
Just open with the linked address from the pic.


Not entirely sure what you are asking for. If you mean you want to use the more-info pop-up card as a card in your dashboard you can do that with this:

Thanks for your replay.
Talking about this card feature.
It´s coming up with extra infos. Is it possible also to get it with a picture card?? So if i click the picture that the same window is coming up an just show me the small pic from the dashboard as a bigger pic.
In the background you can see a bit of a weather map from Noaa and that showing as this window
Im so bad to explain im sorry for that :frowning:

Possibly by using browser-mod

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Thanks Thomas will try it out in the nightshift.

Ha en fin helg här från Bruzaholm :wink:
Have a nice weekend


For Picture … Use picture-elements card
when you click on the pic , it popup a separate (view) when you then just click on the title/name, it get “larger”
if double-click on this photo / cam-stream, it goes full-screen
Beside, as it’s picture-elements card, you can place buttons/templates etc anywhere you want