How to get access to the ports of an Add-On from outside HA (Raspberrymartic)


i just moved my Raspberrymatic installation from an extra Raspberry Pi to my Homeassistant using the Raspberrymatic HA Add-On. Adopted the Homematic integration to the new host name and every thing is running as before with the separate Raspberry. So far so good.

But I still use a second Raspberry that is runing FHEM. This was accessing the old raspberrymatic installation on the raspberry by its native ip adresse. Like Home Assistant did this before.
Now Home Assistant is connecting to the new internal hostname from the Addon. OK.

But how can i establish a connection from Outside Home Assistant (from the Pi with FHEM) through the Raspberrymatic Add-On? Just using the IP from Home Assistant do not work.
Any ideas?


Ok solved the problem by myself.
Just have to type the needed ports in the addon config tab and then they will exposed to the outside of HA.
Ok now its runnig like before, but with one raspberry less.


You are using the integration called “HomeMatic(IP) Local” (GitHub - danielperna84/custom_homematic: Custom Home Assistant Component for HomeMatic), right?
The integration in the documents for Home Assistant is deprecated.
HomeMatic(IP) Local can be most easily installed from HACS.