Hi there
I’ve been searching a lot around here, but I just can’t seem to find how I can get it done. I would expect I just miss something stupid, but I can’t get clear what. Hopefully anyone here can help me out.
I want an automation to be trigered when my mobile phone comes in the bluetooth range of the bluetooth receiver which is connected via USB on my raspbarry pi which is running home assistant.
My bluetooht donle seems to be configured correctly.
When I do bluetoothctl in the terminal on my bluetooth device, I get a bunch of bluetooth devices in the screen.
Also the integration seems fine, but it does not show bluetooth devices which can be used.
When I check the release video of 2022.8 which contains the bluetooth support: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9gKFH8WlzY
Especially starting minute 27:00 it shows alle the bluetooth devices coming in. But at my side they just don’t appear.
Therefore when I create an automation, for device or for entitiy I can’t put somthing in line sensor.samsung_bluetooth_connected because I just have not connected my samsung smartphone yet.
Who knows how I get this installed / setup?
I’ve got the latest version of HA installed.
If you could help me out, I would be so thankful. Is there someboady out there that has the golder hint?
Wkr, Menno