Hi all, hope you are well. Just need some help here, had HA for sometime but hardly do much with it. So my request might need step by step instructions but hopefully i will easily follow.
In simple i have 11 wiser radiator valves with battery level sensor, i understand automations can go from ‘when level drops below X from X then action’ but what i want is a notification to my iphone, after HA has checked daily all my sensors and if any are currently showing 20% or less. This is more of a reminder to force me to change the batteries, the from and to values only show once the value has changed, i need to read the values daily not when it changes. hope that makes sense.
here is my example, where the below or above text goes i typed ‘equals’ just to get my point more clearly across, thank you in advance. ps. if i can multiple entities that would be great and also i want the automation to check daily at a certain time as i know most times i will be free then to do something about the battery.
alias: New Automation
description: ‘check daily value of battery levels’
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.wiser_itrv_upstairs_hallway_battery
equals: ‘20’
condition: - condition: time
after: ‘13:00:00’
action: - device_id: XXXXXX(to be replaced with real ID)
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
message: change battery
mode: single