How to get APC UPS NMC Into HA?

I have 2 APC UPS’s, an SRT3000RMXLA and an SMT1000RM2U. I also have an APC ATS PDU, a AP7753

All three have APC Network Cards, and I want to get the status into Home Assistant so I don’t have to rely on emails for notifications

There is a now unsupported add-on - APC UPS Daemon - Home Assistant

That suggests moving to the NUT addon - GitHub - hassio-addons/addon-nut: Network UPS Tools - Home Assistant Community Add-ons

However, I won’t want to plug another device into each of my APC devices to get them into HA, when they already have network cards

SNMP would be an option if it wasn’t too slow. I want instant alerts for outages like I have for email

Does anyone have any suggestions?

The integration (which you have pointed to, not the addon) appears as if it can connect to any apcupsd instance, not just one from the now dead addon.

Any chance of running apcupsd somewhere else on your network? Or not as an addon?

After a rebuild of my server I decided to run NUT as a seperate docker container instead of direct install on my server which works well for UPS monitor. You can do this and use standard nut integration to connect them to HA.

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NUT works over the network. You don’t need to plug the UPS into a special machine.

So NUT can connect to an APC network card? It was my understanding it was all USB/Serial

I think NUT can, but their site is a little difficult to follow. Not difficult to try out though.

I did try it out in Docker, and I can’t find anywhere to add a network UPS. Its looking for USB as far as I can tell

For NUT setup, if you go here Network UPS Tools - Hardware compatibility list and select APC in the manufacturer and Network in the connection method, it seems that all examples mentioned use a driver called snmp-ups.

The manual is here snmp-ups(8)

Ultimately it utilises snmp, which you described as slow. Maybe this driver + nut works better though.

I guess you could set up a imap sensor and utilise the email notifications. IMAP - Home Assistant

Yes, NUT can do via Ethernet / IP and also SNMP. Not just serial!

SNMP is not slow. It’s a second to query all OIDs. You can do that every 5 seconds no problem.

I didn’t say it was. @HamBandit did