How to get Aqara Radiator E1 to turn on/off switch(heater) when temperature is above/below set temperature

Hello, I’m trying to get the following to work. I have a couple of Aqara Radiator E1’s connected true homekit with HomeAssistant successfully but I would like to be able turn on or off a switch when the temperature is below/above the set temperature. (I know act like a thermostat) so I can only turn on the heater when a radiator needs warm water and turn it off when all the rooms are warm enough
So what i wish i could do is customise the climate.smartradiatordiningroom1_4 and add the heater option heater: switch.viessmann

or create a automatisation that would do the same…
Can anyone help me out with this?

Oke I think I found it.

I made a automation

{{state_attr('climate.smartradiatordiningroom1_4', 'temperature')|float > states('sensor.smartradiatordiningroom1_current_temperature_4')|float}}

alias: Heating-TurnOnOffRequest
description: >-
  Turn viessmann on when a radiator needs heat. Turn it off when all rooms are
  at temperature
  - platform: state
      - sensor.smartradiatordiningroom1_current_temperature_4

condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: or
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  'temperature')|float >
                alias: Check TempDining1

          - condition: and
              - condition: template
                value_template: >-
                  'temperature')|float <=
                alias: Check TempDining1

Still testing it out to find out if I missed something

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