I am seeing if I can switch from Zigbee2Mqtt to to reduce some overhead of MQTT, that I don’t use for anything else. So I am running some tests right now.
I installed ZHA and connected a power plug: TuYa TS0121_plug control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT. The plug works fine, I can see all info I want to see. So far so good.
Now I just want to use the attribute “last seen” in my Lovelace ui, so I can monitor when devices have last changed. I sometimes have some battery devices that suddenly stop responding and I would like to monitor that. The only problem is that I can see the attribute in the config of my device board, but I can not get it in Lovelace.
Does anyone have any idea or working code on how to do this? I have seen many topics, but no working solution. Hopefully someone can help me.