How to get directly to TTS input?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to bypass the Media Browser when trying to use text-to-speech? Right now, I click on one of my Google Nest Devices, open the media browser, navigate through until I get to ‘Cloud’ and then type something in and press Say.

I’d like to bypass that, with a single button that loads this screen, directly:


Services in dev tools.

Or add a card to your dashboard:

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This apparently doesn’t work with Google Nest Speakers… Calling the speaker entity directly gives me a ‘Service not found’ error.

Failed to call service media_player/nestlivingroom_speaker. Service not found.

type: custom:notify-card
target: media_player.nestlivingroom_speaker
label: Living Room Speaker
card_title: Send Notification
notification_title: New Notification

Switching it to the tts/cloud_say I get nothing, because there’s no way to set an entity as a target. Adding it into @data, does nothing.

‘Failed to call service tts/cloud_say. extra keys not allowed @ data[‘title’]’

type: custom:notify-card
target: tts.cloud_say
  entity_id: media_player.nestlivingroom_speaker
label: Living Room Speaker
card_title: Send Notification
notification_title: New Notification

For heaven’s sake, post what you put into the service call, in yaml. We have no idea what you did.

I’ve edited my previous answer to include the yaml.

Oh, I’m sorry, I did not know, that the Nest is such picky, as I read above here. I can’t say if it works for the Nest :frowning:

It is working fine for a lot of other media players. I can’t play with it, as I do not own a Nest.

No worries. Thanks for the suggestion!

I’m too new at this, so I’m just muddling my way along. :smiley:

Try the service first. In dev-tools.

EDIT I don’t think that the notify card does TTS. see How to make it work with Google Home ? · Issue #8 · bernikr/lovelace-notify-card · GitHub


type: custom:notify-card
target: tts.cloud_say
entity: media_player.nestlivingroom_speaker
label: Living Room Speaker
card_title: Send Notification

works for me :slight_smile: