How to get entity for Tasmota button? Shows /RESULT {"Button2":{"Action":"SINGLE"}} but no discovery

I wired up a few momentary buttons with an external pullup to my Tasmota device. I set SetOption73 1 and ButtonTopic 1, and I see MQTT messages like stat/tasmota_884477/RESULT = {"Button2":{"Action":"SINGLE"}}. However, I don’t see an entity in HomeAssistant, and I don’t see the buttons mentioned in the discovery topic, just my other sensors and switch (PIR): tasmota/discovery/E89F6D884477/sensors {"sn":{"Time":"2023-10-31T15:49:07","Switch1":"OFF","AM2301":{"Temperature":22.2,"Humidity":38.5,"DewPoint":7.4},"TempUnit":"C"},"ver":1}. The buttons are configured for example as D6 = Button_n 3.

What configuration do I need in Tasmota so that my buttons get autodiscovered by HA as entities? I’d like to be able to use them in automations. Thanks in advance for any help!

use triggers like this:

- id: '1594531566524'
  alias: xxx
  description: 'xxx'
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: stat/tasmota_884477/RESULT
    payload: '{"Button2":{"Action":"SINGLE"}}'

Thanks for the suggestion. I’m using AppDaemon and for simplicity I’d like to stick with all HA integration (rather than mix MQTT and HA). Turns out buttons don’t have discovery, so I’ll change these to switches.