How to get first app running?

I’m running homeassistant on a rPi in a virtual python environment. I followed this guide on how to get appdaemon setup but am unsure of where to go from here.

I have an appdaemon app that I’d like to get running with HA: Monitor App. Despite looking I’ve not been able to find any info on where exactly I should place app files inorder to use them, other than mention that it should be in a folder named apps.

I can see a ‘appdaemon’ folder located at ‘/srv/appdaemon/’ and I’ve manually created a sub folder within it named ‘apps’. Then I’ve created and added files ‘apps.yaml’ and ‘’ corresponding to the files in the Monitor App linked to above.

After restarting appdaemon and HA I’m not seeing any of the sensors that I was expecting the app to create. Nor, am I seeing any other signs of appdaemon apps running.

I can only assume that I’m looking in the wrong place and am now totally lost.

Any help on working this out would be greatly appreciated.


Please post your appdaemon.yaml file so we can see if there is anything wrong there.

The app you are trying to use is for appdaemon version 4. Is this the version of appdaemon that you have installed?

Please no cross-posting!