How to get HA running on a nvidia shield?

Hi there,

I really want to get into home assistant for a while now after watching a lot of people do some awesome things with it on YouTube.

I have an old Nvidia Shield tv Pro laying around because my father got himself a smart tv and now I was thinking about using that to run HA in my house.

I’m not much of a programmer, but I hope someone has an idea on how to make this work!

I’m prepared to root the device and I don’t plan on using the Android TV instance that is installed. I did a bit of reading on maybe an instance of Docker, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to fully understand what that entails.

I’m curious at your ideas and solutions!

I don’t want to be a neigh say’er, but the Shield TV Pro runs Android TV OS…not pure Linux. You’d have a VERY long journey ahead, if it’s even feasible (which I don’t it is except for a very niche set of folks with the right skillset).