I have setup an entity, linked my google accounts, and can control the device (a light) from the google home app. When I go to make a routine in the app, none of the HA device show up as a starter for the routines.
When looking online it said I needed the integrations, so i have every google integration linked to the cloud account, and still nothing shows. Any help would be appreciated.
You may not have exposed the devices to talk to the google assistant.
Couple ways to do it, click on an entity in the dashboard, click the gear, select voice assistant, and expose it.
Another is to go to settings from the left menu, select voice assistants, and google assistant to add entity’s to expose.
I have exposed the entities and am able to see all the devices in the google app. I can control them with both voice and through the app. I am setting the routine as a household routine and I have made sure the device is attached to the home and a room in the app, but only google devices show up as a “starter” for the routines.
I know I can set up all the automation through HA, but I’m mainly doing this for my wife and all she knows is the google home app.
Well… I’ve tried with every device option and same results. I’m going to assume I just can’t do the automation through the Google app. OH had the same issue, but I was hoping HA was going to be better =\