How to get more stylish dashboards

I’m a little bored with smart home interfaces. The Lovelace UI is quite nice. But there are always a lot of similar tiles, small information takes up a lot of space and it almost always looks the same. There are bars and curves that don’t say much because the scales are missing. Content doesn’t group well. It doesn’t really look stylish, designed or futuristic.

Preferably I would like to completely design my dashboard in a graphic program (I love Affinity Designer), build the HTML and CSS myself and just add javascript for the functionality.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to implement something like this?

For example different colors for different columns?


Or a Dashboard chooser on the left side?


Or more stylish elements?

2 Likes nice to see a option that you can connect HA into a htmk based site (webside) and the connection between them is enough so you can use a code to import data trom HA into your text. Such connection a database and use php.yo show data from the database into your webside.

Then you’re free to build everything yourself :slight_smile:
I’m not a web designer but this sound logic to me. Haha

this looks nice.

i am trying to find a nice UI/UX for home assistant but damn it is hard.

this one looks nice in theory but still it is taking too much space. each one of us has different needs and up until now after all these years… i have only seen 3-4 dashboards that look nice to me but still they are not what i am looking for.