How to get my Android phone to show on the map?

Since it looks like Life360 is toast, I have subscribed to Nabu Casa for, among other benefits, the device tracker. I have my phones entity which shows the latitude and longitude attributes:

How do I get this location to show on my Map?

by default the map in the sidebar won’t show devices that are home.

you can make a map card and use that to replace the regular sidebar map and you can put in the card config whatever trackers you want to be shown there.

here is the card config I use for that called “lovelace_map_dash.yaml” that is stored in a subfolder called “panel_iframe”:

title: Map
  - title: Map
    panel: true
      - type: map
        dark_mode: false
        default_zoom: 15
          - entity:
          - entity: person.wife
          - entity:

then to put it in the sidebar put in configuration.yaml:

panel_iframe: !include_dir_merge_named panel_iframe/

Is there a way to turn this feature off?

Your response is appreciated. The map card works as expected, but when I use your example code to put it into the sidebar, changing only the entities, I get this error:

Invalid config for 'panel_iframe' at panel_iframe/lovelace_map_dash.yaml, line 1: expected a dictionary for dictionary value 'panel_iframe->title', got 'Map', please check the docs at Invalid config for 'panel_iframe' at panel_iframe/lovelace_map_dash.yaml, line 2: expected a dictionary for dictionary value 'panel_iframe->views', got [{'title': 'Map', 'panel': True, 'cards': [{'type': 'map', 'dark_mode': False, 'default_zoom': 15, 'entities': [{'entity': 'person.steve'}]}]}], please check the docs at

I am YAML-challenged, so if you see something I copied wrong… Again, your assistance is appreciated.


title: Map
  - title: Map
    panel: true
      - type: map
        dark_mode: false
        default_zoom: 15
          - entity: device_tracker.sm_g981u1

I’m really sorry but I inadvertently misled you.

it’s not a panel_iframe. it’s configured as a separate dashboard that gets stuck in the sidebar via the lovelace config.

the filename for the dashboard is correct but it doesn’t go in the panel_iframe folder. In my setup it’s located directly in my config folder (where configuration.yaml resides) The contents of the file as you have it should be OK.

Here is the correct config in my configuration.yaml calling that dashboard:

  mode: yaml
  resources: !include ui_lovelace_resources.yaml
    lovelace-map: # Needs to contain a hyphen (-)
      mode: yaml
      filename: lovelace_map_dash.yaml
      title: Map
      icon: mdi:map
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false

I use yaml mode exclusively for my dashboard so I’m not sure how you would translate to a UI mode config if that’s what you use. But I’m sure it has to be possible.

sorry again. I set it up a long time ago and made an unfortunate assumption that it was an iframe instead of a dashboard.

not that I know of. Which is why I made a separate map dashboard to replace the built-in one.

Thanks. I am just going to have a button on my “home” page to take me to the map page. It looks like the map card is more versatile than the Map component.

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