How to get RF 433mhz motion working with BroadLink RM4 pro remote?

i got this remote

works great with all my IR and RF remotes.

strangely, it does not work with this 433mhz motion sensor

my Sonoff RF bridge detects motion as seen here:
16:15:39.167 MQT: tele/RF_Bridge/RESULT = {“Time”:“2023-11-24T16:15:39”,“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:9130,“Low”:310,“High”:920,“Data”:“BEC79A”,“RfKey”:“None”}}

when i put the BroadLink into learning mode, it seems to be working fine BUT i dont see any new codes added into this file: broadlink_remote_ec0baea08874_codes

any idea how i can just add codes manually into the “broadlink_remote_ec0baea08874_codes” file?

happy to say i finally got the BroadLink to recognized the motion sensor. broadlink_remote_ec0baea08874_codes file updated as seen here

now, how to set up the motion sensor as the trigger???
i dont understand what to select here: