Hi folks, I’m relatively new to HA and ZWave, working on getting some devices set up. I have several switches and dimmers that are all the same products, and looking for a way to query a Z-Wave device’s serial number or some kind of hardware id. These devices have a serial number printed on them, as well as a QR code. But none of that shows up as a parameter on the ZWave device or its entities. Advice appreciated!
A lot of manufacturers don’t expose this via the network. If its present, it will be exposed as Serial Number.
Unfortunately you can’t really count on it being present on everything. I’m seeing maybe 50% of devices expose it, and in some cases, same serial number across same model (which kinda defeats the purpose! haha)
Thanks. Maybe I should rephrase: With the devices I’m using (Zen31 for now), I can see unique serial numbers for each device when I browse in the OpenZWave web UI. I’d like to know if I can access those values that OZW clearly has access to, outside of the gui. A service call or node get state or something? I’d like to do some scripting using that data.
Pull the data via MQTT.